Virus Protection for IBM i

Is Virus Protection for IBM i necessary?
Windows is not the only platform that is susceptible to viruses and malware. All operating systems are including, surprisingly to many, the IBM i – where the IFS can act as a host for such malicious content. This makes virus protection for the IBM i as important as it is for any other platform within your organisation.
PC based anti-virus solutions are not suitable for scanning your IBM i (nor your IBM Power AIX and Linux servers). Scanning with PC based tools is manual, slow, and introduces performance problems, as well as the risk on introducing new security vulnerabilities. An anti-virus solution running natively on your IBM i (or AIX and Linux) servers is a far better solution for the management of virus and malware containment on this platform.
And remember, the presence of viruses or malware on your IBM i coud lead to fines for breach of compliance requirements, or losses due to downtime of your servers and loss of customer confidence.
Contact Us now to learn about how JouleTech and our partners can help you deploy an anti-virus for IBM i (and Linux & AIX) solution, that will ensure you natively protect your IBM i, and prevent it from being a source of embarrassment and financial loss.