Multi-Factor Authentication for IBM i
Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), including two-factor authentication (2FA), has been becoming more and more common in our computing world over the last decade. Many governing bodies require that it be added as an extra layer of user authentication, particularly (though not only) in the financial sector – PCI DSS, 23 NYCRR 500, and Singapore’s MAS TRM Guidelines and Notice on Cyber Hygiene, being just a few examples. When first introduced, it was commonly as an added security measure for users accessing internal networks from external locations. Its required use is now, however, becoming more prevalent for anyone accessing sensitive systems, even from within the organisation.
What is Multi-Factor Authentication?
Multi-factor Authentication is a method of authenticating a user whereby at least two factors are verified. These factors include something the user has (such as a smart card, dongle, or Yubikey), something the user knows (such as a password, passphrase, or PIN), or something the user is or does (such as fingerprints, other forms of biometrics, etc.). Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) is synonymous with MFA, though, as the name suggests, it specifically refers to the verification of 2, and only 2, factors.

Organisations are often at a loss as to how to apply multi-factor authentication to their IBM Power i platform. That does not however provide them with an exemption from meeting these requirements. This is where Joule Tech is able to help. Working with our business partners, we provide a number of options to IBM i organisations needing to secure this platform further with MFA.
Powertech MFA software for IBM i
Powertech Multi-Factor Authentication is a robust MFA solution developed specifically for IBM i (AS/400, iSeries). With Powertech MFA, it’s easy to enforce risk-driven security policies and require users to provide two or three forms of authentication before logging in to a green screen session or connecting to IBM i through an exit point, such as FTP or Telnet.
Powertech SecurID Agent for IBM i
Powertech SecurID Agent for IBM i brings the full functionality of the market-leading RSA SecurID multi-factor authentication solution to IBM i users.
For organisations who already own, or are looking to purchase, RSA SecureID, then this may be your preferred solution.