IBM i High Availability & Disaster Recovery
In today’s connected world organisations need, and users expect, constant access to their data and applications. Whether they be external customers and prospects accessing your systems from outside over the internet, or internal users performing valuable company work, any downtime is going to affect your organisation’s reputation and hit you financially.
While planned downtime can be managed by notifying customer and users in advance, such situations are becoming less and less acceptable as expectations of a 24/7 operation become more commonplace. And when the downtown is due to unplanned events, the situation is especially critical and it is important that organisation have the right disaster recovery strategy in place to ensure their users are disrupted for the shortest possible time.
Even though the IBM i is well know for its resiliency, companies still need to put measures in place as insurance against the unlikely event that their production server does encounter problems. As such, IBM i high availability and disaster recovery should be a part of every businesses system strategy.

IBM i High Availability Automation
Automating your high-availability and disaster recovery management process is key to your business continuity. To ensure that you will be able to meet your services level targets, working with our business partners, JouleTech is able to bring you a best-of-breed solution to ensure that you can keep your IBM i data and applications available for your users.
Contact Us today to learn how we can maintain your organisation’s reputation and protect you from disgruntled users.
HA as a Service: We also offer a High Availability as a Service offering to allow you to move your Disaster Recovery costs from CAPEX to OPEX. Learn more …